Myth Buster: The 5 Best Ways to NOT Kill Gophers

Myth #1 - Chewing Gum
Put Chewing Gum in the tunnel so the gopher will eat it, choke and die.
THE TRUTH: Gophers aren’t that gullible. They smell the gum, smell the mouth that it came from and recognize it as a foreign object in their tunnel. Gophers simply move the gum to a refuse area or dispose of it up on your lawn.
Myth #2 - Human Hair
Put human hair in the tunnel. It acts as a natural deterrent because gophers are afraid of humans.
THE TRUTH: Gophers love human hair; it makes for great nesting material in their burrows.
Myth #3 - Flood
Flood the tunnel and the gophers will drown. Simple, right?

THE TRUTH: Typically, they live. Gophers are incredible diggers and tunnel makers. Their labyrinthine tunnels include separate sleeping quarters, bathroom duties, refuse area, food storage and even drainage systems that sink 10’ into the ground.
Water from a garden hose usually just runs down the drain and into your yard - sometimes destroying your lawn to boot.
Myth #4 - Smash
Smash the gopher mounds down and that will kill the gophers.
THE TRUTH: If the gopher was living in the mound on top of your yard, stomping down the mound would kill it. Stomp all you want, but gophers live in complex burrows and they are quite safe from the dirt getting stomped above ground.
The mounds you see are just the dirt from the tunnel being created. Gophers shove it up and out of the tunnel to make more room.
Myth #5 - Cats
Cats make great gopher killers.
THE TRUTH: Cats are lazy and unreliable. They are not going to be troubled to burrow down into a tunnel and hunt your gophers for you. Sorry.

The Bottom Line
So, what is the best way to kill gophers? Commercial, stainless steel traps like the kind used at Gopher Stop. No poison is needed. The treatment is safe for your pets and kids and the gophers are usually dead in just a couple days. We offer the industry's best warranty and we are ready and eager to solve your gopher problem today.